About 1-800-QUIT-NOW
1-800-Quit-Now is a national router number which accepts callers from throughout the nation, seamlessly directing them to the appropriate state quitline. In an effort to promote this valuable resource, the Smoking Cessation Leadership Center has developed a small, plastic card the size of a credit card to help promote the national quitline.
Quitlines are toll-free telephone centers staffed by trained cessation experts. For clinicians, they provide an easy, fast, and effective way to help smokers quit. By simply identifying smokers, advising them to quit, and sending them to a free telephone service, clinicians can save thousands of lives.
How to order
Submit this form and someone will contact you to confirm that your order has been received. Our vendor, A4 promotions, will then mail your order. Please allow 4–6 weeks for shipping. 250 cards only per order. Cards are free of charge! This offer is available while supplies last.
QUIT NOW Card Survey
An SCLC survey of organizations that purchased the card shows 85% agreed the card helped streamline their organization’s ability to provide tobacco cessation assistance to patients (moderately or extremely) and 80% said it increased the number of patients who receive tobacco cessation advice in their organization (moderately or extremely). Others surveyed have found the card to be “easy to understand, eye-catching, portable, sturdy…” One individual from a VA facility in Louisiana wrote regarding a Quit Now card campaign: “This program really saved us; at a time when we had little else, it enabled us to keep some level of program going [after Hurricane Katrina]…” And still another said, “My office distributes the cards at all of our community education events. They are a wonderful teaching tool.”
Over the last few years, the Ask, Advise, Refer model has become an accepted way of implementing the USPHS Clinical Practice Guideline and the 1-800-QUIT NOW card has entered the mainstream of cessation efforts. There are over 4 million QUIT NOW cards in circulation and all types of health professionals and counselors, and peers currently use the approach and the card to help smokers quit.
Calling a Quitline Can Be Key to Success
This page from the CDC has videos that show what your patients can expect when they call 1-800-QUIT-NOW and how they can get the most out of their experience.
- When someone calls 1-800-QUIT-NOW, they can speak confidentially with a highly trained quit coach.
- Quitlines provide many of the services and similar support found in a stop-smoking class or from a doctor, and can be a valuable complement to a doctor’s care.
- Quitlines are available throughout the United States.
- Coaching help is available in several languages.
View the CDC's Five Reasons Why Calling a Quitline Can Be Key to Your Success.