About the California Center for Tobacco Cessation

As the California Center for Tobacco Cessation, the Smoking Cessation Leadership Center (SCLC) provides training and technical assistance in support of the tobacco endgame movement. We aim to engage and build the capacity of organizations, clinicians, community stakeholders, and CTCP-funded projects to advocate for and put into effect tobacco-use assessments and cessation services within their communities and systems.
- Support behavioral health sites to be tobacco-free and to connect to cessation services and treatment
- Provide educational materials promoting tobacco cessation
- Provide tobacco cessation training with Continuing Education Units to improve local tobacco cessation capacity
- Improve access to cessation services through technical assistance
- Develop strategic partnerships to reduce barriers to cessation treatment
- CTCP-Funded Projects
- Public Health Professionals
- Health Care and Behavioral Health Providers
CaCTC Ask the Expert | April 15, 2025, 10-11 am PT
Register is open for CaCTC's Next Ask the Expert: Holistic Approaches to Tobacco Treatment: The Healthy Living Clinic Initiative. In this session, our presenters will discuss HLCI’s innovative approach to quality improvement, data tracking, and their holistic approach to integrating nutrition, physical activity, and stress management into tobacco cessation programs.
UPDATED FOR 2025: CaCTC's Vaping Cessation Fact Sheet
Our Vaping Cessation Fact Sheet has been updated for 2025! It outlines practical steps and strategies to assist clients in their journey to become nicotine-free.
Attention County Administrators, Leaders, and Wellness Advocates!
Are you addressing tobacco cessation use within the behavioral health community? Apply for a CaCTC 2025 Behavioral Health Regional Training! Bring a dynamic, interactive training to your county or region and discover how local behavioral health facilities can develop wellness policies promoting healthy living and tobacco-free recovery.
To apply for a 2025 Behavioral Health Regional Training in your community, please fill out this brief application.
Training costs are supported by the California Center for Tobacco Cessation (CaCTC). Limited to two trainings per year. Smaller counties may collaborate with neighboring counties to host joint events.
Have an idea for a future "Ask the Expert" topic? Please complete our brief survey.
Events & Opportunities
The Ask the Expert series invites specialists in the field of tobacco cessation to give a brief presentation and provide an open forum for the community to ask questions and share knowledge. If you missed a session, just click on the link below to access the recording.
- March 20, 2025: Beyond Burnout: Self-Care as a Strategic Imperative
- February 27, 2025: Smokeless but Not Harmless: Addressing Nicotine and Tobacco Use Among Rural California Firefighters
- October 23, 2024: So You’re a Tobacco Treatment Specialist (TTS)… Now What?
- August 7, 2024: Trauma Informed Care and Tobacco Cessation with Raul Almazar, RN, MA
- June 26, 2024: Addressing Tobacco Use Among People Experiencing Homelessness with Dr. Maya Vijayaraghavan
- April 10, 2024: Medication for Tobacco Cessation 101 with Dr. Robin Corelli
- January 30, 2024: Helping Clients Quit Vaping with Dr. Andrea Pratt
- December 6, 2023: How to use billing codes for treating tobacco use disorder (TUD) with Dr. Brian Hurley
Kick It California provides evidence-based tobacco cessation services. It's free and it works! Below are educational resources for providers from our partners at Kick It :
- Kick It California Health Professionals Webpage (listed under webinar trainings)
- Kick It California Tobacco Cessation Education & Training Resources Webpage
- AB 541: Helping Tobacco Users in Substance Use Treatment - This flyer (also available in Spanish) provides information on how bill AB 541 can help tobacco users in substance use treatment and how to refer patients or clients to Kick It California cessation services
For all SCLC and CaCTC webinar topics - check out our collection of recorded webinars: https://smokingcessationleadership.ucsf.edu/cmeces-webinar-collections
Collection E
- The CaCTC is pleased to offer this special collection of select webinars from national experts. This Collection includes eleven (11) webinars and units at no cost to CA providers. Topics include treating effective partnerships to treat tobacco addiction, tobacco use in the LGBTQ+ community, environmental health and advocacy, tobacco use among race and ethnic populations, pharmacists' prescribing, advancing equitable tobacco outcomes, and novel tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. Use code CADPH23 to waive the fee Register
This is a comprehensive tobacco cessation training program that equips health professional students and practicing clinicians, of all disciplines, with evidence-based knowledge and skills for assisting patients with quitting. Thanks to support from the California Department of Tobacco Policy and Prevention, a certificate of completion and 4.0 CMEs will be provided at no charge for those who complete this series. Accreditation is for physicians, pharmacists, nurses, psychologists, social workers, and addiction professionals.
Register here:
Kick It CA created a 13-minute video training for healthcare providers to support AB 541 implementation. Watch "Tobacco and Mental Health"
Click here for more cessation training videos
To see all available funding opportunities through the California Department of Public Health, California Tobacco Prevention Program please visit: CTCP Tobacco Control Funding opportunities and Resources (catcp.org)