FREE CME/CEs for California Providers
SCLC is able to offer FREE CME/CE credit to all eligible California healthcare providers. Please use the discount code CADPH23 to waive the $75 fee.
*New* - Collection F
This Collection of 2024 recorded webinars from SCLC includes nine webinars, for a total of 13.0 CE credits. Topics include people experiencing homelessness and tobacco cessation, tobacco and opioid use disorder, tobacco cessation in oral cancer prevention, the tobacco endgame, CMS guidance and improving tobacco cessation, menthol and emotional brain training, curious science of cravings, commercial tobacco cessation programs in American Indian and Alaska Native communities, and a comprehensive compassionate community-based healthcare model.
Collection E
This Collection of 2023 recorded webinars from SCLC includes 11 webinars, for a total of 14.25 CE credits. Topics include exploring the tobacco documents library, tobacco and substance use treatment, unequal risk for tobacco-related stroke in Black adults, lower nicotine levels in cigarettes and the endgame, updates on FDA regulations from the Center for Tobacco Products, marijuana smoke and its adverse effects on the heart, justice-involved populations and tobacco, menthol and tobacco, and low-income smokers and polysubstance use.