Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) and the SCLC partnered to work on the National Dissemination and Support Initiative of the CTG. This grant began on Sep. 30, 2012 and ended on Sep. 29, 2014.

SCLC assisted in the support, dissemination, and amplification of effective tobacco-free living strategies in communities nationwide, including rural and frontier areas, and in those areas with health disparities. CADCA utilized a two-prong approach, in collaboration and partnership with multiple sectors (including non-health sectors), its partners and coalition affiliates, to support community-level efforts to reduce chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.

SCLC collaborated with CADCA to offer a variety of technical assistance to the coalitions and partners, including planning and hosting webinars, offering free CME/CEUs to members, and educating participants at the CADCA Mid-Year Training Institute and the National Forum ultimately raising the issue of tobacco on the member priority list.