Beth Jordan, MD

Medical Director and Health Services Administrator, DC Department of Corrections, Washington, DC

Beth Jordan, MD, CCHP, has been at the DC Department of Corrections for a decade. She serves as Medical Director and Health Services Administrator. Prior to entering the field of Corrections, she was a medical director for Medical Advocacy and Provider Education organizations, and an Internist at the Mayo Clinic, specializing in Women’s Health. Dr. Jordan attended Vassar College, and the University of Arizona’s College of Medicine’s medical school and Internal Medicine Residency program where Andrew Weil, MD, was her mentor.  She was a healthcare provider at Planned Parenthood, served on the Board of Medical Students for Choice, and in 2009 was voted one of the Women’s Leaders in Medicine by the American Medical Student’s Association.

Since entering Correctional Health at the DC Department of Corrections, she has focused on improving systems to effect improved satisfaction, efficacy and safety for residents, healthcare providers and Custody operations alike. Over the past decade, she has worked collaboratively with the healthcare vendor and corrections on modernizing the pharmacy with a medication packaging system, adding the electronic Medication Administration Record, and overhauling policies and procedures around Suicide Prevention and Safe Cells. Supported by DOC’s Director, she has brought national subject matter experts in Trauma Informed Care and Challenging Behavioral/Psychiatric Management issues into the DC Jail to expand trauma informed care awareness and related training to medical/mental health and custody staff. Under her leadership, Behavioral Healthcare treatment now includes acupuncture, yoga and mindfulness, meditation, Emotional Freedom Technique (“Tapping”), TAMAR groups (Trauma Informed Care) in addition to medication management. Over the past 2 years she has worked closely with the healthcare vendor and Operations to open up SAMHSA-funded therapeutic housing units for men and women dealing with Substance Use Disorder, particularly opioids.