The Building and Scaling of UC Quits: Health Systems Change for Tobacco Cessation with Electronic Medical Records

60 Minutes

Elisa K. Tong, MD, MA

Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, University of California, at Davis

Dr. Elisa Tong is an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of California, Davis. Dr. Tong received her bachelors, master’s in health services research, and medical degrees at Stanford University. She completed her clinical and research training at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and UCSF, and continues to work in general medicine in the clinic and hospital settings. Her research area of interest is in tobacco control policy and cessation issues, with special interests in disparities and secondhand smoke. She has been Project Director for UC Quits and the Statewide Outreach PI for the Medi-Cal Incentives to Quit Smoking project. In her current projects, she is the PI for a TRDRP Community Practice-Based Research project with Los Angeles Department of Health Services, and the Project Director for CA Quits and one of the National Cancer Institute’s Cancer Center Cessation Initiative awards.

Webinar Objectives
  1. Identify system changes implemented for population-based tobacco cessation treatment across the five University of California (UC) health systems.

  2. Describe best practices for building health systems capacity to implement bi-directional e-referrals to the quitline.

  3. Identify strategies for integration of tobacco into behavioral health facilities and primary care with quality metrics

  4. Explain the vision for CA Quits, a statewide initiative to coordinate across providers, health plans, and public health organizations.

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