Directors Corner

Director’s Corner Update - The Connection Between Smoking and the Coronavirus

April 10, 2020

As the nation wrestles with the coronavirus epidemic, it has become clear that there is a connection between smoking and the epidemic. It manifests in at least six ways.

First, those whose lungs have been damaged by smoking are more vulnerable to the serious lung…

Reflections on the Pandemic

March 12, 2020

Just as it looked like we had recovered from the EVALI epidemic, along comes the novel Coronavirus, which is probably the biggest social disrupter in my lifetime since World War II, and probably the most domestically threatening since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. We have…

Director’s Corner on 2020 Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking Cessation

February 3, 2020

The Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking Cessation is a typically massive (700 pages) and evidence-based document with multiple authors and reviewers. The first such report since 1990, it is a valuable compendium of the history, current status, controversies and challenges of…

2020 Director's Corner: Top 20 Successes and Challenges for Smoking Cessation

December 30, 2019

As an inveterate list maker, I can’t resist the opportunity to usher in the year 2020 with a list about smoking cessation. Below I enumerate my nominees for the top 20 successes that have helped promote smoking cessation, as well as the top 20 challenges facing smoking…

The SCLC Looks for a New Director

August 20, 2019

When the Smoking Cessation Leadership Center at UCSF began in January, 2003, it was founded on an unproven assumption: that there was a need to assist clinicians and other groups to improve the practice of smoking cessation. Created with a five-year grant from the Robert Wood…

Father’s Day, Smoking Cessation and Retail Sales of Tobacco Products

May 31, 2019

When asked why I care so much about smoking cessation, I can’t relate any stories of family tragedies. Rather, my motivation comes from the fact that smoking exerts such a huge toll on health, and also that I lost many patients from smoking-induced diseases. But, like many of…

Declines in Smoking Prompt Health Groups to Set Ambitious New Goal

January 28, 2019

New target is to reduce smoking among adults with mental illnesses/substance use to 20% by 2022

A group of two dozen health groups and leaders in behavioral health and tobacco control has set an ambitious new goal to reduce smoking among persons with…

California’s Program on Medicaid Incentives to Quit Smoking (MIQS)

December 6, 2018

Results from a California program aimed at reducing smoking rates among Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California) patients have just been released in a special publication of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine…

The New National Center of Excellence for Tobacco-Free Recovery

October 3, 2018

As of October 1, 2018, the Smoking Cessation Leadership Center at UCSF has been officially designated by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) as the National Center of Excellence for Tobacco-Free Recovery. This award, which will fund the new…

15 Years Went By Fast

February 20, 2018

By: Steven A. Schroeder 

On January 15, 2003, the Smoking Cessation Leadership Center at UCSF officially began, thanks to a five-year grant from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and later supplemented by support from the then American Legacy Foundation, now Truth…