CHOICES is an exciting consumer-driven program for smokers with mental illness in New Jersey. Our goal is to increase awareness of the importance of addressing tobacco use and to create a strong peer support network that encourages mental health consumers to make a positive healthy lifestyle change by addressing smoking and tobacco use.
CHOICES is innovative because it employs mental health consumers, called Consumer Tobacco Advocates, to deliver the vital message to smokers with mental illness that addressing tobacco is important and to motivate them to seek treatment. The Consumer Tobacco Advocates provide their peers with information about the consequences of smoking, issues regarding smoking and mental illness, and options available to make quitting easier. They visit mental health centers, self-help centers and health fairs to communicate with and educate consumers about their smoking. They also provide resources about places in New Jersey where smokers with mental illness can receive tobacco dependence treatment.
As the Consumer Tobacco Advocates increase awareness among consumers about the relationship between smoking and their overall wellness, many consumers have come to terms with their desire to quit. Their clear message about the need for tobacco-cessation services and treatments will drive public policy on this issue more than any other force.