Updated data for Indiana

For consistency in benchmarking and measuring the progress of all states, SCLC has been tracking BRFSS data. Here are the results:

Smoking prevalence among adults by frequent poor mental health status

Summit Year 2019: 37.8%   2020: 33%

Smoking prevalence among adults by heavy drinking status

Summit Year 2019: 39.1%   2020: 37.2%

The smoking rate of adult population in Indiana with Frequent Poor Mental Health was at 33% in 2020, and the smoking rate of adult population in Indiana who are Heavy Alcohol Users was at 37.2% in 2020. Baseline determined using 2017 BRFSS.

View data from all Leadership Academy States.

Poor mental health – self report 14 or more days with poor mental health in the past 30 days

Heavy drinking: 2015 to present defined as consuming on average more than 14 drinks per week for men, more than 7 drinks per week for women; 2011 to 2014 defined as consuming on average more than 2 drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women.

Baseline determined using 2017 BRFSS.