Association Between the Tips From Former Smokers Campaign and Smoking Cessation Among Adults, United States, 2012-2018

CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health released a tobacco-related research brief yesterday in the journal, Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD), titled “Association Between the Tips From Former Smokers® Campaign and Smoking Cessation Among Adults, United States, 2012-2018.”

Smoking, Covid-19, and Racism —Three Intersecting Epidemics

These are strange and disturbing times, as each of us confronts fundamental issues about health and our society. The three epidemics vary in how long they have been with us, how they cause harm, and how they could be remediated. The harms from smoking date back over one hundred years, when it was discovered how to mass-produce cigarettes at low cost, thereby making it possible to consume large amounts of tobacco smoke every day. Covid-19 is but the most recent of many viral pandemics, and the most menacing one since the 1918 influenza outbreak.

Leadership Password Protected

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Texas leadership academy for wellness and smoking cessation

 Texas was the sixth state to hold a Leadership Academy on Wellness and Smoking Cession. On the evening of January 31 and all day February 1, 2012, thirty-nine leaders in public health, behavioral health, and tobacco control came together for a first-ever Texas initiative focused on reducing smoking prevalence among people with behavioral health disorders.


Oklahoma leadership academy for wellness and smoking cessation

On April 20-21, 2011, leaders and experts in public health, behavioral health and tobacco control came together to create an action plan for Oklahoma State designed to reduce smoking prevalence among Oklahomans with behavioral health disorders. The summit was supported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and Smoking Cessation Leadership Center (SCLC).