Access to Tobacco Treatment for the Justice-Involved Part 2: The Intersection of Policy, Practice, and Research

60 Minutes

Christine Ullstrup, LCSW, CSAC

Ms. Ullstrup has over twenty-five years of experience in substance use and mental health treatment for women.  She has been on the Meta House staff since 1995 and was a recipient of their services in 1994.  Over her career at Meta House, she has held many different positions within their full continuum of care.

Achieving equity through championing tobacco cessation – SCLC’s mission 20 years later

I became a primary care physician to take care of people long term. I became a public health researcher to change the narrative of health for our disproportionately impacted populations, firmly believing that health equity is rooted in all our populations thriving. The most rewarding aspects of my career has been gaining an understanding of how tobacco is an equity issue, learning how to treat tobacco use, and teaching others how to champion tobacco cessation in their practice.

Allison Gorrilla, MPH

Allison Gorrilla is an Outreach Specialist with the University of Wisconsin’s-Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention. She works with health care systems and providers to integrate evidence-based tobacco cessation treatments into routine care. A focus of Allie’s work is bridging the gap in access to cessation treatments in communities disproportionately burdened by tobacco-related health inequities.